Thursday, 15 March 2018

High Blood Pressure Readings

High blood pressure readings the force of blood on artery walls is called blood pressure, normal blood pressure is important for proper blood flow of blood from the heart to the body's organs and tissues each heartbeat forces blood to the rest of the body near the heart pressure is higher and away  from it lower blood pressure depends on many things including how much blood the heart is pumping and the diameter of the arteries the blood is moving through generally the more blood that's pumped and the narrower the artery the higher the pressure is, blood pressure is measured both as the heart contracts which called systole and as it relaxes which is called diastole. systolic blood pressure: is measured when the heart ventricles contract diastolic blood pressure is measured when the heart ventricles relax a systolic pressure of 115 millimetres of mercury is considered normal as is a diastolic pressure of 70 commonly this pressure would be stated as 115 over 70 stressful situations can temporarily cause blood pressure to rise if  a person has a consistent blood pressure reading of 140 over 90 he would be evaluated for high blood pressure left untreated high blood pressure can important organs such as the brain and kidneys as well as lead to a stroke.

men normal blood pressure by ages
  • 20 years old - 123/76
  • 20 to 30  -   126/79
  • 30 to 40  -   129/81
  • 40 to 50  -   135/83
  • 50 to 60  -   142/85
  • over 70   -    142/80
women normal blood pressure by ages
  • 20 years old - 116/72
  • 20 to 30  -  120/75
  • 30 to 40  -  137/84 
  • 40 to 50  -  137/84
  • 50 to 60  -  144/85
  • over 70   -  159/85
Home Remedies For A High Blood Pressure

home remedies for high blood pressure lower cholesterol levels naturally with this powerful drink major causes of death in the USA and reason for any heart disease is the bad food that people consume. a large amount of salt, unhealthy fats and the hidden sugar trigger any possible kind of many dangerous diseases, you should consider starting being physically active, to maintain normal weight and as most important to always keep an eye on your cholesterol and blood pressure start avoiding alcohol and stop smoking cigarettes consider starting with all these mentioned above things if you want to protect your health and prevent many diseases. this is one home remedies for high blood pressure that will keep you healthy and will make great changes to your organism.

1 clove of minced garlic
1/2 lemon juice
1/2 tablespoons of grated ginger
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon organic honey

All the ingredients should be blend until you get a smooth mixture. Place the mixture in a jar and store it in the refrigerator small doses of it should be consumed through the day, before the meals. A bit of water can be added if you have a problem with swallowing or you just simply add it to your favourite drink.

Health Benefits
  • garlic: this is the most useful vegetable ever it prevents atherosclerosis, reduces triglycerides, cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Ginger: It lower triglycerides and cholesterol and it is even more beneficial to those people who are dealing with diabetes, nephritic syndrome, alcoholism and hypothyroidism.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar decreases the triglycerides and cholesterol, normalizes the blood sugar and the insulin and is great for diabetics who have type 2 diabetes.

  • Honey: first of all consume honey regularly and you will prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in your blood vessels.
  • Eat more natural fats and avoid processed foods also, keep in mind to increase your physical activity as much as you can.


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